Empowered: Toxic
Series Title: Empowered
Sermon Title: Toxic
Sermon Snapshot: Have you ever been called Toxic? Or have you ever called someone Toxic? Toxicity is often language thrown around a lot in our culture but is often a means to disassociate with people that we feel have mistreated us or wronged us in some way. The problem with this sort of approach to life is that it is opposed by the “Gospel or Good News” Message of Jesus. Jesus was known for turning cultural norms on their end and challenging the people around Him to think differently and approach others not from the common cultural view but instead take on the heart of God and begin looking at others as people desperately in need of a savior. Turns out Jesus is the answer to the deepest forms of toxicity and brokenness. Join us this Sunday as we explore a counter cultural approach to dealing with people that have mistreated us. As we explore being empowered by the Holy Spirit within us.
CCLI #48285958